Khae'lyn Ayonzla

"Your opportunities are endless like the stars in the sky."


Name: Khae'lyn "Khae" Ayonzla (kye-lin a-on-zla)
Other Aliases: Khae'lyn Aeonyss, Navra Camoa
Race: Viera/Draconic Hybrid
Clan: Rava
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 22
Nameday: 1st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (6/1)
Height: 5 Fulms (Feet) 7 Ilms (inches)
Weight: 154.5 Ponze (pounds)
Hair: Black/Blue (Currently Dyed with Deep Plum highlights)
Eyes: heterochromia - Turquoise (Right eye)/Silver Grey (left eye)
Other noticable Features: Khae'lyn has a mole & a scar underneath his left eye and golden yellow arrow-shaped tattoos around both eyes.
Due to the draconic essence that flows through him, his eyes now permanently have subtle glow of power and slitted irises. Khae also has fangs and black tipped claws due to his new change. Other draconic features, such as horns, wings and his tail, may appear in times of duress or heightened emotions.
He used decorate his body in henna and loved the look enough to permanently get subtle flower tattoos that cover his torso, arms and thighs. Khae also has two marks on his neck from his mates which he covers with chokers to protect it while on the job.
Favorite Colors: Black, Deep Shades of Grey & Blue and Purple
Likes: Starry Night Skies, The Sound of Rain, Waterfalls and fountains, Brownies
Dislikes: Being in Enclosed Spaces for extended periods of time, Manipulation, Spiders
Occupation: Adventurer, Host/Escort at Luxuria, Flirt!! & Dancer and Photographer at Honey Bee Inn & Sector 7
Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Photography and Weaving
Trained In: MNK, DNC
Dabbles in: NIN, SAM, AST
Quiet and gentle by nature, Khae'lyn tends to observe and absorb information before jumping into a situation. Upon meeting someone new, Khae can be quite shy, using his charisma to disguise that fact in most situations. As he warms up to them, he may become a bit flirtatious and coy. He loves making others blush and flustered but can also get quite bashful himself if the right things are done and said. He is loyal to those he holds dear and will fight tooth and nail to ensure their happiness and safety.

The Past

Khae'lyn Aeonyss, born with the forest name - Navra Camoa, hails from the Rava clan in the lush Golmore Jungle and is the secondborn twin of the Suya Village Chief, Solri Camoa. Along with his older twin sister, Vhar, he was by his mother's side as soon as he was old enough to walk. While he resided in the village, Khae learned valuable lessons in leadership from watching his mother lead the Rava in Suya with firm but compassionate hand. However, everything he had gleamed would be for naught.
As Khae'lyn reached maturity, he and his sister learned that his fate as a Viera male was to be sent away from the village and become a protector of the wood as it states in the Green Word. Fearing for her gentle twin's well-being, Khae's sister begged their mother to let him stay in the village. Surprisingly, she agreed but it came with a price. Khae'lyn was able to stay in the village until he aged 18 summers but only if he remained hidden away from the rest of the village. Khae'lyn was not involved in the proceedings, making this an unpleasant surprise when he became aware of it. After turning 13, he was a prisoner in his own home, seeing nothing but its walls for the next 5 years.
During his years of solitude, Khae'lyn discovered his love of dancing and singing, able to finetune it with the time he had copious amounts of. He also found friendship with the daughter of his caretaker. She would come along with her mother and spend time with Khae, making his gilded cage seem not as small. Throughout the years, the two grew closer and eventually became lovers. Their bliss was cut short once Khae's borrowed time in Suya came to an end. Before leaving, he made a promise to return to her the next mating season to spend it together.
On the eve of his 18th nameday, Khae'lyn was snuck out of the village under the cover of night to be taken to the one who would train him in the way of the wood warder. This man would also be the one to make Khae's life a living hell. Three years of pain and torment were all Khae'lyn knew at the hands of his sadistic mentor. While he lived to tell the tale, he will forever bear the physical and mental scars that serve as reminders of that time.
As the next mating season approached, Khae'lyn neared 21 summers. Having been left behind by his mentor after not breaking down at the man's whims, he made his return to Suya alone to fulfill his promise to his lover. As he approached her home, he sensed that something was amiss. Hearing her muffled screams, Khae'lyn tore inside to come to her aid only to find her entangled with the sadistic man who trained him...and enjoying it. An unwilling sound of distress left Khae's lips as the two found him standing there in utter shock. His mentor took in Khae's visage with a heated leer, telling him he could fulfill the promise he made to his lover but only if Khae would vow to fully submit only to him afterwards - in heart, soul and body. The whole of his being numb, Khae'lyn reacted in the way his base instincts called for him to do - he ran. Out of the his once-lover's home, out of Suya and out of Golmore Jungle leaving his lance, life and forest name behind and never once looking back.
Eventually, his travels would lead him to Eorzea where he stumbled upon Ul'dah. His twin, who had left Suya prior to him due to her abhorrence of the Green Word, found him in the Jewel of the Desert while visiting for adventurer business. Reunited with his kin, he takes on his city name. "Khae'lyn" to match his sister and "Aeonyss" which signifies the infinite opportunities his new life now held.


Name: Solri Camoa
Race: Viera
Clan: Rava
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship: Mother
Solri is mother to twins Vhar and Navra Camoa, now better known as Rhae'lyn and Khae'lyn aeonyss respectively. She is chief of Suya and watches over the village with a firm but compassionate hand. Khae'lyn is unsure of how he fully feels about his mother. He loves her dearly but she was not around very often due to her duties, so he does not feel the sense of connection that he would like. Solri was also the one who put him in solitude for 5 years causing there to be a bit of resentment. However, Khae could never hate his mother as he knows she only made the choices she did because she thought she was doing right by him.

Name: Rhae'lyn Aeonyss(-Wolf)
Race: Viera
Clan: Rava
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship: Twin Sister
Free-spirited, independent and caring, Rhae'lyn (or Rhae for short) is Khae'lyn's older twin sister. As the eldest, she felt responsible for Khae's safety growing up as he had a very gentle disposition. She pleaded with their mother to allow him to stay home for a bit longer and put off his training for his betterment. Unknown to Khae or their mother, her true aim was to escape the village with her brother and get far away from the Rava to seek freedom. During Khae's time in solitude, Rhae would sneak him outside to look at the night sky. The infinite stars, she told him, were just like the many opportunities they would have in the future. However, things did not go according to plan when Khae was snuck out on the eve of the twins' 18th nameday. Angered and disgusted, Rhae left Suya alone in hopes that Khae would hear of her departure and follow after her. And though it wasn't immediate, her wish came true.

Name: Kire Ayonzla
Race: Viera/Draconic Hybrid
Clan: Veena
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him (Also answers to She/Her and They/Them)
Relationship: Husband & Mate
The one who was originally Khae's friend-with-benefits, turned lover and now his betrothed, his everything. Kire is a shy and quiet Veena with a caring heart originally from the Skatay Range. However, his soft appearance is just a small part of the beautiful complexity that Miko truly possesses. Miko was there for Khae in one of his darkest moments since his arrival in Eorzea, bringing the two of them closer and having them acknowledge the hidden feelings they had for each other. While the couple has had their ups and downs in their journey together, they both wholehearted agree that they complete each other in a way that no one or nothing else ever could. The pair are now eternally bonded as of the 30th sun of the Second Umbral Moon (4/28/2022). Recently, the Veena hybrid shed his city name, Miko, to take on his true name once more.

Name: Cayden Shadowstepp
Race: Miqo'te/Draconic Hybrid
Clan: Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Fiancée & Mate
Khae met Cayden by chance on an off-day before the Valentione's Ball at Honey Bee Inn where they both work. Khae offered to teach the blonde to dance and during their lesson they grew close rather quickly. The Keeper reminded Khae a lot of his fiancée, Miko and when the two of them met - it was like magic. Cayden confessed to Miko at mutual friend's wedding that he had feelings for the Viera pair -- and the pair felt the same. The three of them now embark on a new journey in love together.
Recently, Khae and Kire proposed to the Keeper after a Valentione's Ball and he accepted through happy tears. A date for their eternal bonding has yet to be decided.

Name: Dyri Ayonzla
Race: Viera
Clan: Veena/Rava
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Khae, Kire & Cayden's adopted son
Khae'lyn and Kire found Dyri in the frozen snows of Skatay Range left for dead. Not wanting to leave the young jack alone to die, the couple rescued and brought him back to their FC home in Eorzea. Grateful to the two who gave him a new lease on life, Dyri chose to stay in their care, making Khae & Kire, and now Cayden, parents.

Name: Ariku Rinmo
Race: Half Viera/Half Hyur
Clan: Rava/Highlander
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Half Brother
Cheerful and bubbly Ariku is Khae and Rhae's older half brother. Born in Ala Mhigo to the twins' father and a Highlander woman and raised in Ul'dah, Ariku stands taller than most male Viera due to his mixed heritage.
Ariku heard that he had siblings out there in the world and wanted to find them and connect with them after his father's passing. The journey to find the twins while only knowing their forest names had caused a bit of panic, stress and misunderstandings for all parties involved unfortunately. Thankfully, it all worked out in the end causing the family to grow and new relationships and memories to be forged.

Name: Kurodo wolf
Race: Viera
Clan: Rava
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Brother-in-law
Upon first meeting this stoic and handsome Rava, Khae was admittedly swept off his feet when he first arrived to Eorzea. Kurodo is one who knows how to charm which had thrown Khae into confusion as this man was betrothed to his twin sister. When khae'lyn confronted Kurodo about the mixed signs, the other told khae that he never intended for the younger male to catch any feelings for him. This misunderstanding caused a bit of friction between the two for awhile. Khae'lyn had to get over it quickly, however, when Kurodo officially became family.
After some heart-to-heart conversations, Khae'lyn and kurodo are comfortable around each other now that time has allowed the hurts to heal. Courageous and generous at his core, Kurodo is always ready to lead a helping hand, genuinely wanting what is best for Khae'lyn and Kire and their eternal bonding.

Name: Guffie Kisaragi
Race: Viera
Clan: Rava
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship: Sister-In-Law
Steadfast and dependable Guffie is one of the heads at the FC that Khae'lyn joined soon after his sister had found him wandering about Ul'dah and took him home with her. She is also married to Kurodo Wolf along with Rhae'lyn making her a part of Khae's family. She is someone that khae has talked to for advice time and time again, trusting her fair judgement and consistency. Guffie is always ready to jump in and protect those she cares for, so don't end up on the wrong side of her lance.

Name: Xepher Gintsume
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship: Friend
Xepher, or Xeph as Khae affectionately calls her, was one of his first friends upon joining his FC. As one of the Leaders, Xepher is quick to act and dependable. She's not all business, though. Xeph is always ready to party when the mood hits. Khae knows he can depend on her through thick and thin.

Name: Bentley Maximilian
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Friend
Bentley is another Leader in Khae's FC and dear friend. He is known as 'the principal' for keeping FC members on task with their adventuring - having gotten on both Khae'lyn and Miko for slacking off every once in a while. Working hard but partying harder, Bentley has definitely contributed in making khae's life a brighter one.

Name: Lokein Skamos
Race: Au'ra
Clan: Raen
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Friend
Usually found perching atop a roof, Lokein is the eyes in the sky for his friends. Khae and Kire have taken to making the Raen blush with their playful flirtations but Lokein is not afraid to dish it back out to his favorite buns. Loyal and trustworthy, Lokein has been there in times of need for the trio, now also taking a shine to Cayden. Khae is thankful to have this man as someone to turn to.

Name: Raol Rehw-Gilda
Race: Viera
Clan: Rava
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Tormentor
Demented. Twisted. Psychotic.
These are the words that Khae'lyn would use to describe Raol.
Raol began to observe Khae from a distance once word came to him that the chief's hidden son would be under his tutelage. Seeing the lithe body and sweet face of the younger male, Raol felt a dark desire to have him in every way, becoming obsessed with the thought. He took every opportunity to break Khae down physically, mentally and emotionally to bring him under heel. When none of his tactics worked, Raol used Taija, the woman Khae'lyn loved, to hurt him deeply. What he did not anticipate was for Khae to flee and never return. IT is currently unknown where Raol is and what he may or may not be plotting.

Name: Taija Fyth
Race: Viera
Clan: Rava
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship: Ex-lover
Taija was Khae and Rhae's childhood friend. As they all got older, their bond became stronger. And the bond between Khae'lyn and Taija grew stronger still while he was hidden from the world as she was the only one who was consistantly by his side. Friendship grew into love or so it seemed until Taija broke Khae's trust and heart by sleeping with Raol. Whether or not she knew of the man's ploy to break Khae'lyn is unknown.


Orientation: Bisexual, Male LeanPreferred Position: Bottom-Leaning Switch (Service/Dominant Top - Submissive bottom, Brat Tendencies)Top Kinks: Biting , scratching , overstimulation (Receiving), bondage (Receiving), Rough Sex, Light Marking, Cumplay, bloodplay, Breeding (No Pregnancy), Double Penetration, Threesomes/Group Sex, Size Difference, Light Degradation with Praise (receiving)Hard Nos: Anything dealing with filth, death, dismemberment, vore, age-play or bestiality.To see his entire kink list, view the link below.
Maybes are up for discussion, limits are not.
When in doubt or you have an idea you'd like to try, please ask.
remember, Consent is key.
Please Note: Khae'lyn offers NSFW services at Honey Bee Inn & its sister venues, Flirt!!, & Luxuria.
You can pre-book him on the honey Bee venues discord page or contact the front desk/Management at either venue during their operating hours the day of.
If you're not able to see him while he's on the clock, Khae is also available for off-hours bookings through Honey Bee Venues! Check the Discord for more details.
Khae will absolutely not provide ERP services to anyone under the age of 18 IC and/or OOC and no Lalafells.

NSFW Pictures


Age: 30+
Pronouns: She/Her
Time Zone: EST
Hi there! If you made it this far - thank you for your interest in my boy, Khae'lyn. I'm newer to both FFXIV and the RP community, having only been around the scene for about half a year. I enjoy story and world building as well as character developing, so I've been having an absolute blast so far.I'm open for RP with anyone 18 and older either in-game - preferred method (Khae’lyn Ayonzla@Ultros) or on discord (Khaelyntempest).
My hours of availability do vary based on IRL circumstances, so reach out if you'd like to set up something!
In-game, Khae is available for SFW RP and ERP services at Luxuria, Honey Bee Inn, Sector 7 and Flirt!!. Reach out to the Front Desk or management at these venues if you have any booking questions. Private ERP sessions are not something I plan on doing at this time. So if you want to ERP, you'll have to book him for it either ahead of time with a pre-booking, the day of the venues he works at or with an off-hours booking via the Honey Bee Venues Discord.As it was stated in a different section, I will not ERP with anyone who is a minor in and/or out of character and no Lalas. While he is available for Erp services at work, he's just exploring and having fun. He's not looking for any additional romantic interests as he is eternally bonded and has a boyfriend.Also, if there is ever a situation that I am uncomfortable with, I will not hesitate to stop everything and pull my boy and myself out of the RP/ERP. Once again, consent is key.And last but certainly not least, Khae'lyn is not me and I am not him. I firmly believe in having a defined separation between myself and my OC. His thoughts and views do not reflect what I think or how I feel, so please do not bring any IRL drama into the RP. Much appreciated!Khae and I look forward to meeting you! ♥

Adult Content Ahead

The following sections contain information and images that are NSFW and are only intended for those 18 years of age and older.